Why work with us exclusively
We strongly believe that the most effective recruitment partnerships are based on exclusivity, with commitment and trust from both parties
How you benefit by partnering exclusively with MVP:
- You will receive our full commitment to filling your role. An engaged and motivated recruiter will ultimately deliver a much better service!
- Exclusivity means more time for us to do thorough screening, saving you time and frustration.
- Exclusivity allows us to bring all resources to bear in the talent search. You will get the best talent.
- The responsibility for success is now shifted to us.
- Working with more than one recruiter can be a frustrating experience, both for clients and candidates alike. Candidate experience can be compromised by multiple recruiter approaches, and they may become disengaged from the opportunity and even your brand. Working exclusively helps deliver the best possible candidate experience.
- By choosing exclusive, you will be taking the focus off speed and back onto quality.
- You will save time by dealing with one committed recruiter. No multiple agency briefings and multiple contacts to deal with.
- The Clients’ confidentiality is preserved through the management of one trusted recruiter